Discover the Sea Side of Health

Featured Products

Sassy’s Sea Moss Gel

Whipped Tallow

Body Butter

Sea Moss~Ashwagandha~ Bladderwrack~Black Seed Burdock Root

What is Sea Moss?

The essential point about sea moss nutritional information is its incredibly high content of nutrients, minerals, and vitamins which gives it numerous and potent health properties.

Rumor has it that sea moss has 90 % of the minerals our body needs to function. While this data has to be taken with caution; WebMD heralds its benefits for the immune system, brain, and of course, skin. Even just one teaspoon of sea moss holds up to 90 percent of the nutrients our bodies need to thrive. That’s why so many refer to this as a “super” ingredient.

Sea Moss can be consumed orally and used topically to benefit your body in several different ways!

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